We all play a lot of roles as we journey through life. I've played a lot of roles myself, performing some far better than others. Yet, they all teach me something about myself, inspiring my own learning, growth, and reflection.
My current roles include an entrepreneur, author, speaker, consultant, education activist, strategist, researcher, husband, father and recovering tennis pro. At my core, I am a teacher, an observer of culture, and a deep believer in the transformational power of education. Oh, and I have a deep disdain for hypocrisy and self absorption
There’s no shortage of selfies or loud voices in the digital world. I have pulled back from personal social media a bit lately due to what I perceive is a toxic culture of sharing unhealthy information, not adding to the betterment of our communities. Instead, I recommitted to producing, animating, and sharing good thought, as well as sharing my own journey through life. I use this blog - and our company website - to do just that.
I live and office in Southern California and travel extensively for my work with Ian Symmonds & Associates and for my own growth and reflection. This site chronicles my journeys in life, culture, education, and thought leadership. Please visit the ISA website if you are seeking connection with my research and consulting firm, scheduling a conference call, or booking a speaking engagement.